For Kaiya

"Oh wow...It's a girl!" your Father said to me with smile. Both of our eyes were filled with tears. I felt peace and joy and beauty all at once as I held your tiny body in my arms.
"What is her name?" the nurses asked.
"Kaiya..her name is Kaiya."

From the moment you came into our world, your Father and I knew our lives would change forever. We had no idea it could be this amazing. There are no words to describe the love in my heart. When I look at you I feel like everything is brand new, like the start of a new day. I am wide awake, filled with life. I smile through tears as I type each sentance, so grateful for my sweet, sweet baby. I am now reminded of the potential each day brings; all of the good things life has to offer. Every morning now is a 'good morning' waking up and singing to you. You are pure JOY.

Good morning, Kaiya. Good morning, life.

How big is Kaiya? Soooooo BIG!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

YouTube Baby!!!!!

(Don't worry, there is nothing graphic in these.. just some fun memories of 06/20/2011..)

Great news!  While we were looking through Aaron's phone for some more Kaiya pics we stumbled across some videos of Kaiya's birth!! 

The video camera ran out of battery 4 minutes before she was born, so we were a little bummed that we didn't get the live birth on record.  But unbeknownst to me, Aaron (My hero! *swoon*) gave my mom the camera phone and she was able to get a great memory for us!  Thanks G-MA! 

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