How one little smile changes everything, every morning..
For Kaiya
"Oh wow...It's a girl!" your Father said to me with smile. Both of our eyes were filled with tears. I felt peace and joy and beauty all at once as I held your tiny body in my arms. "What is her name?" the nurses asked. "Kaiya..her name is Kaiya."
Kaiya, From the moment you came into our world, your Father and I knew our lives would change forever. We had no idea it could be this amazing. There are no words to describe the love in my heart. When I look at you I feel like everything is brand new, like the start of a new day. I am wide awake, filled with life. I smile through tears as I type each sentance, so grateful for my sweet, sweet baby. I am now reminded of the potential each day brings; all of the good things life has to offer. Every morning now is a 'good morning' waking up and singing to you. You are pure JOY.
You are officially 6 months today. You are getting so big. You are rolling, scooting, crawling, and into everything. You can sit up on your own and are trying to pull yourself up now. You are very talkative, you like to say "Blah Blah Bla" or "Ma Ma Mah" over and over again.
I had to take a short break from your blog but I'm ready to start journaling again. I love reading and remembering about when you were a tiny baby. Life goes by so fast and it is important to keep in mind all of the good memories, especially when you go through hard times. On November 13th, your grandpa Brad died. He was very young and this was very shocking for all of his family and friends. He loved you very much and was proud of you; You were his youngest grandchild. We miss him so much. This is the only picture I have of you and him together. I guess I thought we'd have more time.
That sure is a nice trick or treat bag..Thanks Aunt Dineenie!! (Or Aunt Dill as mom likes to call her!)
Mommy made matching costumes for her and Riley.
Gremlin & Gizmo!
Oh my how time has flown by! Little baby is getting so big so fast! At her 4 month check up, she weighed in at 12lbs 3.5oz. and is in the 25% percentile. She is extremely active and alert. She is able to scoot from place to place and almost crawled out of her swing the other day!
She insists on sitting up at the dinner table when we have meals and loves her highchair.
She is still too little for solid food, but her favorite meal for right now is...
Of course all babies have nicknames, but by the time we are older they are sometimes forgotten. Since you have so many, I thought I would put a list together of the more popular nicknames you have had during your first months on this planet.
Boo Boo (Daddy started this one)
Kuekers (G-Ma)
Kueky or Kuek-a-bura (Mommy)
Pookers or Pookity (Mommy)
Boochers or Boochi (Mommy)
Muñeca (Unkie Jake)
Lil' K (Cathy & Vicki)
Señor K (Mommy)
Mommy (Mommy)
Yes, that last one is not a typo, I'm not sure why I do this but sometimes I will call her 'Mommy'??? Kinda quirky but we like it!
Well your father and I had quite the time agreeing on a name for you! I was constantly reading baby websites searching for names and their meanings. Daddy said he didn't want a name from a website and that it would just 'come to us'. Also since we were waiting to see if 'baby' was a boy or girl we had to check out both sexes. If you were a boy you were going to be named Michael William Frary. And if you were a girl we were going to be in trouble because we couldn't seem to agree..
Well your Dad was right about the name coming to us! One evening while we were in FL, we decided to go on a walk around the lake. It was a beautiful night and sunset. As we were walking, we overheard the names from the kid's hula hoop contest being announced over the loud speaker. They announced the winner: "Kaiya". Your dad was sold on the name right away, but Mommy needed a little more convincing. Later that week, I started to do some research on the meaning of the name.
Here are some interesting facts:
The meaning of the name Kaiya is 'diamond in the sky'. It is African in origin.
The meaning of the name Kaiya is 'forgiveness'. It is Japanese in origin.
The final test was looking it up on Urban Dictionary to make sure it didn't have any negative conotations:
Someone who likes to sing. A Kaiya is a very musical person and sings well.
GIRL: Kaiya is singing OMG
Kaiya *sings*
GIRL #2: Kaiya is the best singer eva!
Ok so you weren't named after Willow or the Bob Marley song but I had to include these since they go with your name.
Kaiya - She's the wife of Willow, in the movie Willow(1988) One of Unkie Cole's favorite movies.
Funny this song is called Kaya and it says 'wake up in the morning!' That's our favorite time!
As for the middle names..
Theo is your Great Grandma's name. Unfortunately you will never meet her, but she was a classy, graceful, soft-spoken woman. She would have been excited for another girl in the family.
Justine is from an old Linda Rhondstat song. G-Ma had picked this name out for Heath if he would have been a girl. It is nice because there are alot of "een"s on the Krick side of the family. Dineen, Kathleen, Eileen, Corina.. you get it. Also, while I was sick in the hospital, one of my nurses was named Justine.
So I was reading a post on TheBump today with stories about the craziest things you have done while being a sleep deprived mom. (Click here for link:TheBump/crazytiredmoms) I was cracking up as I read some of these and then thought I better fess up to mine:
So one time, Kaiya, Riley, and I went shopping at Super Target. This was one of my first shopping trips out with both of the kids and needless to say I had my hands full with the diaper bag, carseat, a purse full of Transformers etc..I was quiet proud of myself for getting in and out of the store within an hour and staying within my budget. As we were on our way home, I realized I had left ALL of our just purchased items at the store. When we went back, the checker had set our items aside for us- Thank God! The worst part is a few weeks later, I did the exact same thing!! And to add insult to injury, it was with the same checker!! I said, "Sorry, I'm a new Mom." (As if that makes it any better!) He just laughed and said "Don't worry for now on I will just set your stuff aside and plan on you making 2 trips!"
Silly Mommy!
If you have a silly mommy story, please post in the comments below. These might be fun for Kaiya to read some day if she has kids of her own. (LET ME CLARIFY: NOT A SILLY EILEEN MOMMY STORY, YOUR OWN SILLY MOMMY STORY!!)
Sleep deprived Mommy after a long day of hard work
sleeping in her JustGetSh!tDone T-shirt. (Click here for link: JGSD)
(Don't worry, there is nothing graphic in these.. just some fun memories of 06/20/2011..)
Great news! While we were looking through Aaron's phone for some more Kaiya pics we stumbled across some videos of Kaiya's birth!!
The video camera ran out of battery 4 minutes before she was born, so we were a little bummed that we didn't get the live birth on record. But unbeknownst to me, Aaron (My hero! *swoon*) gave my mom the camera phone and she was able to get a great memory for us! Thanks G-MA!
I remember being in labor and hearing the doctor say that the baby had a ton of hair. "YAY!" I thought to myself! :) That was a really exciting moment for me, because while I was pregnant I always imagined what the baby would look like and hoped baby would have hair. I was a lucky Mommy!
Get a load of that head of hair!!!
Hopefully she'll end up with a ton of hair just like her older brother!!
And it gets more and more red each day!
Here's a few pics of Mommy brushing Kaiya's hair. So sweet. ♥
Welcome to the finished nursery for our Kaiya or "Boo Boo" as we like to call her. We had so much fun putting this room together!
Quilt rack and frames were spray painted to match the crib and the wall art was handmade to match with the bedding set!
Old lamp was recycled into a baby lamp with some hot glue and left over embellishments.
Mobile was handmade by Mommy using ribbons and an embroidery hoop.
Thanks to Great Aunt Jane for the handmade yellow blankie.
Aaron painted the walls and applied the wall decal using lyrics from Bob Dylan's 'Forever Young'.
"K" made by Mommy with Modge Podge and left over buttons.
Handmade flower was a gift from Ashley Tyler.
Aaron refurbished the armoire by painting it black and adding new hardware. This thing also weighs about 1,000 pounds so special credit to him for moving it so many times!
Belly cast made by Daddy & Mommy. ACTUAL SIZE!!
Photo by Granna Jean, Kaiya is only 1 week old in this pic!
So while Daddy has been out of town, Kaiya and I have been waking up to Debbie Reynolds each day. We crank it up and sing as we get her dressed for the day. She absolutely LOVES it!! She sings and smiles and shrieks while it is playing. (She has this same reaction to the Jeopardy theme song, but Alex Trebek is not nearly as entertaining.) Ahhhh..I am forever changed to a "morning" person. :)
These are the days
These are days you'll remember
Never before and never since, I promise
will the whole world be warm as this
and as you feel it, you'll know it's true
that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you
These are days you'll remember
When May is rushing over you with desire
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour
you'll know it's true, that you are blessed and lucky
"Thanks for having me!" I'd say laughing to G-Ma each time I left her home. I never knew how thankful I really was until June 20th, 2011.
I was originally due on June 11th. I was keeping my fingers crossed for June 13th since that was Grandma Jan's birthday. But the doctor said I couldn't be induced until I was at 42 weeks. I was diagnosed with hyperemisis and was sick literally up to the minute you were born. I had strep throat that week and had been hospitalized 3 times over the last 9 months. But it was worth it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
On June 20th, after a very quiet car ride, we arrived at the hospital at 6am. They had me change into a hospital gown and induced me right away. After a while the doctor came in and broke my water. A few hours later it was time for the epidural. I remember feeling completely comfortable; calm. At one point I even commented that I was 'having fun.' We went on a walk, bounced on a bouncy ball, and even took a nap. At 6pm everything changed. I began real labor and it really hurt! Daddy and G-Ma helped me push and before we knew it there was a squirmy, curly-haired, little cutie staring up at me. I had gone from the worst pain of my life to the greatest feeling of my life in a matter of seconds. Aaron went out to the hallway to tell everyone the good news: IT'S A GIRL!
After all of the family had met the baby, it was time for you to eat. We had everyone leave the room so I could nurse you. Little did we know, there was a huge thunderstorm going on outside. The power went out and it was just Kaiya, Daddy, and Mommy. We rang for a nurse a few times and checked the hallways, but they were no where to be found. The nurses needed to move the other patients into the middle of the building where there were no windows so they would be safe. Since our room did not have windows, we just stayed put. After a while the nurses came back and we moved into a different room. There was nice nurse that taught us how to bathe you and feed you. We were all pretty tired after your bath, so then we went to sleep. Then next morning I woke up and took the picture of you in your pink hat with the sun shining on your face. I was so happy, it felt like a thousand Christmases.
When Leenie was pregnant, Riley was such a good helper. He helped paint the baby's bedroom and always helped Daddy with the chores. Then on April Fool's Day he broke his arm. Riley didn't let this hold him back though. He still ran and played and climbed as if he had never been hurt. Riley and Leenie used alot of team work to help each other out, especially when they went to Disney World. He even had Mickey Mouse sign his cast! Riley turned 7 three days before Kaiya was born. He said he wanted to share his party with Kaiya. The next weekend, we had a birthday party for Riley and Kaiya. Everyone came over to the house and we had cake in the backyard. Riley reads and sings to Kaiya and he can always make funny faces to calm her down. He is just such a sweet little boy with a huge heart. Kaiya is lucky to have such a special big brother.